Wednesday, January 19, 2011

[Birthday] CONTEST!!!! Update

Only three more weeks to enter! Don't miss out on this birthday party in reverse, where I give the presents to you! I am still keeping the prizes a secret for now, but never fear- there are no duds!

I have received eight really lovely banner entries. Some of you have breathtaking imaginations that translate truly well to the visual realm. Each one is really great in its own regard- please keep it up. 

I have also been fortunate to find three excellent motto submissions in my inbox! Don't overlook the power of words, especially not to a self-professed word nerd. All the entries are well done. I can't wait to see what else you readers might have up your sleeves!

Thank you to each and every one of you that has entered so far! I've really loved your fantastic submissions.

Speaking of readers, I hit 90 followers recently. Only 10 more to go to hit 100, my personal goal to achieve before my birthday. I'm pretty thrilled and hope to bring you all kinds of great stuff to read. Never fear, roleplaying fans, I have a TON of good material on deck for you.

If there's something you'd like to see me cover, please feel free to send suggestions to me via email or comments here... I'm giving stuff to YOU, so let me know what you want!

Don't forget to send your entry by email (available in my profile) by 10:00 AM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, February 12, 2011.

Good luck!


  1. As I asked before: What kind of slogan/motto/banner-ish wordy thing are you looking for?

  2. C'Nor- something silly yet thoughtful is ideal, but anything that touches either is perfectly good. A haiku, quippy descriptor of my blog, or a plain old motto are all perfectly acceptable.
