Saturday, March 10, 2012

Interview for HOP- Lantz McDonald

I wrote a series of articles about designing better games for House of Paincakes over the past 2 months or so. While I was working on the process and developing material for the series, I conducted a good number of interviews with various people across the internet, as well as some real life folks.

This time around, I am featuring Lantz of Twin-Linked Awesome . Lantz was incredibly kind and generous, and really surprised me with great observations about what it really takes to design a Codex-type project. Listen in as we talk all things AdMech!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Interview for HOP-BigJim

I wrote a series of articles about designing better games for House of Paincakes over the past 2 months or so. While I was working on the process and developing material for the series, I conducted a good number of interviews with various people across the internet, as well as some real life folks.

Next, I have a real treat for you: an in-depth interview with BigJim from Adventures in Wargaming. BigJim has been kind enough to talk shop with me about 40K and much more, and I really hope you'll enjoy it.