I'm at 93 followers last I checked- only 7 away from my goal of 100 by my birthday. I'm excited about all the new readers and I hope I can bring you some fun stuff to keep you here! (Thanks for reading!)
There were no new entries into the contest this week- that's ok, there are still 10 days to enter.
Here's a recap of the contest and all the details for those that might be late to the party!
Contest 1 - Intended for the Wordy Folks (RPG players, language majors, word nerds)
Come up with a Motto/Slogan for World of Wonder.
Use 15 words or less to describe me and my blog. Funny, witty, and alliterative entries encouraged.
Contest 2- Intended for the Visually Minded (Graphic designers, artists, folks that play with computers)
Come up with a Banner for World of Wonder.
( 950x200-450 in size)
Use graphics, images, drawings or other visual media to convey my personality and my blog. Using references from older posts, repeating themes of posts or comments, or ridiculous riffs on stuff I've said are welcome.
What are the rules?
1- No more than 4 entries per entrant. I don't care if they are all in the same contest or spread out over both, but you only get 4 chances.
2- It's my blog, and my birthday. I pick the winner of each contest with my own personal metrics.
3- You had a month to enter!
Entries must be sent by email (available in my profile) and received by my birthday: 10:00 AM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, Saturday, February 12, 2011.
What do I win?
I am working on an awesome looty prize for each winner- but because it's a birthday, the presents are a surprise.They will most likely have some relevance to miniatures and/or roleplaying in some way. It's entirely possible I will tailor the prizes to match the entrant, but I am not telling yet.
Last week I said I would give a couple sneak peeks at the prizes. I'm still keeping it a surprise, but here's the first hint at the possibilities:
it could be one of these |
Or maybe one of these |
There are a lot more possible options. How am I able to do this? Well... I have connections. As in,
My husband (
The Dude) and I OWN
Armored Gopher Games.
My little vacation this past weekend was to attend a local convention and sell some goodies to our friends, loyal customers, and new folks that are now part of our growing community. We love games and sharing them with others is part of our passion. A highlight of our weekend was the demo of DUST Tactics, the AT-43 "light" game from Fantasy Flight. One of our regulars showed off his copy to anyone who was willing to sit down and play. As a thank you to those who checked it out, our store gave some great swag away.
The INSIDE of Dust Tactics- a DEAD Sexy game |
Because it's my birthday, I'm doing it again- giving away fun stuff to those that are part of my community. My blog is not really intended to be focused on on the store- but the store is a huge part of my life, and I want to share it with you. I hope you will join in my fun ramblings, and take part in the many adventures yet undiscovered!
[ A special shout-out to those of you who have known and kept it quiet at my request. I really appreciate your understanding and consideration to my feelings. It's meant a lot to me and I am glad to have you as part of my "family". ]
My blog is still all about my Weird, Wonderful, Womanly World- and all the things in my head. I've finally settled on a posting schedule (changed and revised to picking up another "day job") and hope to bring you some really awesome material in the days, weeks, months and more to come.
Don't forget to send your entry into the contest! Also, a special goodie for my 100th and 101st followers!
Thanks so much for your great feedback, advice, commentary and everything else you add to my wonderful online community. Please chime in with your thoughts, questions, comments and other musings about the contest and the news- I'm always glad to reply.
be Well,