Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[40K] Beginner's Project: Advice

I put a lot of stuff onto the Beginner's Project page. I hope to have some time in the next day or couple to organize some of it and get it into an easier to use format.

I have gotten a LOT of fantastic advice from you guys- you've been so generous and helpful, I really appreciate it. I have to admit I'm considering teaching TheGirl once I get a lid on 40K, as she LOVES blowing stuff up without exception. I think she might like BA or DE (either faction really fits her personality- a scary thing to say) but that's a  LONG way off.

I know most of the advice you guys have given me has been in response to a specific question; but I'd love to hear your generic, single best offering so I can add it to the Project. {PS: I'm working on a button or banner, but I stink at it so don't sue me if it's awful}

So, please chime in: What's your single best comment or advice for a brand new player starting out?

Have at it, guys!


  1. Best advice I could offer is that rules come and go, so don't build an army just for a current set of good rules. Build the army you like.

    Also in the same vein:


  2. 1. Pick an army you find aesthetically pleasing first and foremost. If you hate the look of your minis you wont want to paint them, and you wont want to play them.

    2. Start small. Two troop choices and an HQ. Play with just that until you get the swing of things and decide you want to commit your time and money to wargaming.

  3. Play at lower point levels to start out with. You can find the Combat Patrol rules (aka 40k in 40 minutes)online. This set of restrictions keeps the games quick and without super-powerful units. You can play 3 games in the same time as a 1500-1750 point game. It's a good way to wrap your head around the rules.

  4. Agreed with the others, pick an army that appeals to you both via fluff and appearance. Enjoy your choice nomatter what others say.

    Enjoy painting for yourself rather than trying to emulate others.

    Take your time modding and painting - if you rush, they won't look so good and then whatcha gonna paint?

    Play some games down at the local store using their minis or with friends / family using theirs.

    Play the game for fun, not to win.

    Don't get hung up on rules, be casual.

    Own the board and have a plan - the moment all you're doing is reacting to your opponent, they're winning. (Though defensive play is a good way to start)

  5. I've got 3, I suppose.

    Some of the best advice, in my opinion, is: Don't listen to too much advice. Pick one or two people you can really trust and LISTEN TO THEM. Don't let the many flapping mouths of the Internet weigh you down with BS.

    Another thing I'd say is: Stick to your first force until you know it inside and out. Don't start a new army before you're really ready. I see loads of new players with 3 crap armies and no idea how to play any of them. It's better to become a good player with 1 army and then go from there.

    Lastly, but not least: Don't get married to ideas. If you start an army with the idea that you're gonna play X style, don't be afraid to deviate if that is what ends up happening. Let yourself grow and change.

  6. Listen to Kennedy. He talks sense.

  7. I would actually suggest to the new player to do a bit of a soul-search before picking up a new army. What are his motives first of all? Does he have more of a "gamer" attitude and likes to play tough games and win? Then a competitive army would be most fitting (IG,SW).
    Does he enjoy painting more? Then maybe an army with a lot of fresh, cool looking models would suit him/her best (like the new DE).
    So, yeah I think it all depends on his/her attitude torwards the hobby.

  8. Anything I've had said has already been said. All great advice above.

  9. With hobby stuff, try out lots of things and don't worry that you might screw up. With paint you can always just strip the mini and try again. With greenstuff, just slice it off and try it again.

    Don't be afraid to go back and change things- how I went about painting my Guard was start with the basics on everything at first. Then when I learned a few new painting techniques I went back and updated my models with my new skillz. I'm still doing that, and they just keep on getting better and better.

    Game wise, play lots of games. There is no substitute for experience. Make sure you're with someone who knows the rules down cold and, after you've played a few make sure that you are allowed to make mistakes. Nothing teaches you to remember to run/assault than not doing it and having your unit blown away.
